安娜是倒数第二个进入航天飞机的人。当其他人不紧不慢地坐在座位上,绑好安全带时,她在连接发射塔和驾驶舱的悬空走道上多逗留了几分钟,眺望着大海。此时是日出之前,一轮满月悬挂在墨黑的 大西洋 上空,散发着明亮的银白色光芒。
STS-125 was proceeding to plan and their vehicle ... but this mission was canceled by then-NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe due to the fallout from the Columbia disaster. However, with Hubble ...
For STS-93, Kennedy, who was with United Space Alliance ... so you had a configuration that was already set and agreed upon by NASA. As the launch progressed sometimes those parameters were ...
NASA's newest space shuttle, Atlantis, made its public debut during a rollout ceremony at the Rockwell International ...
There are 10 major NASA facilities, including the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and the Johnson Space Center in Houston. October 4, 1957 - The Soviets launch Sputnik 1, the world’s first artificial ...
On Feb. 28, 1990, space shuttle Atlantis took off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on STS-36, the sixth shuttle ...
Instead of the traditional one-leg-at-a-time approach, Mr Pettit descends into his floating trousers, essentially jumping into them with both legs at once.
Former NASA astronaut Mike Massimino discusses NASA's intent to collaborate with ISRO, recognizing its success in Mars and ...