Seljakow, J. Kurdumoff, and N. Goodtzow (NATURE, 119, 494; 1927), that quenched carbon steels contain a phase with a tetragonal crystal structure, which might be considered as a deformation of the ...
According to Prof. Bartal, “The fact that a quasicrystal is a ‘shadow’ of a periodic crystal in a higher dimension is not new in itself. What we discovered is that the projection includes not only the ...
A crystal used in the study charges under UV light. The process created by Zhong Lab could be used with a variety of materials, taking advantage of rare earths’ powerful, flexible optical ...
Project leader Professor Yoichi Murakami commented, "Although that structure was anticipated when I first looked at the layered morphology, I was excited when the results of the single-crystal X ...
Dan Shechtman of the Technion–Israel Institute of Technology made the discovery that would later earn him the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry: the quasiperiodic crystal. According to diffraction ...
Department of Photonics and Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 300093, Taiwan ...
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, 27 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge, CB3 0FS, United Kingdom ...
Freytag’s Pyramid provides a structure, and structure can bring the process into focus. Whenever you’re stuck, you know what should be happening at this part of the story. Even more so if you ...
We describe here the crystal structure of BoNT/A and then use this structural information to address some of these mechanistic questions. The binding domain, with overall dimensions of 32 Å × 37 ...
Investopedia / Yurle Villegas An organizational chart, or org chart, graphically represents an organization's structure by detailing the roles, responsibilities, and relationships between ...