The High Court has confirmed that native title is property and Gumatj traditional owners should be compensated. What does it mean nationally?
The court’s ruling on Wednesday exposes the federal government to compensation claims over land in the Northern Territory.
Dr Galarrwuy Yunupingu (1948-2023) of the Gumatj clan was determined to ensure that the ancient patrimony of his people was recognised and treated equally under Australian laws. In 2008, he wrote, ...
The High Court’s decision in Commonwealth v Yunupingu is a victory for common sense and the rule of law in this country.
The decision supports the Gumatj clan's rights to their land, allowing them to seek compensation for land taken by a mining company in 1968.
Kangaroos, a kookaburra and even a Tasmanian devil were smuggled overseas by Aussie soldiers during World War I, not just as pets but as symbols of home.
The High Court unanimously ruled that the extinguishment of native title rights should attract compensation under “just terms ...
The High Court ruled the Gumatj Clan was eligible for compensation for mining on their land decades ago. It changes our understanding of how native title law works.
Many invasive species end up in U.S. ecosystems when people release aquarium pets that are harmful to native species. The department says aquarium owners should find alternatives to “aquarium ...
Australia’s highest court has upheld a decision finding traditional owners from North East Arnhem Land are entitled to some $700m in compensation over the destruction of their land due to bauxite ...
We talk to industry experts Bruce Pascoe and Jacob Birch about the potential of native grain crops and the impact they can have on Australia. Native grains have been in Australia for at least ...
It is also in close proximity to an urban Native American community in Chicago and near several tribes in the Midwest. The Northwestern campus sits on the traditional homelands of the people of the ...