Back in 2020, a social media shitstorm emerged when people noticed that Hilaria had been donning a Spanish accent in numerous ...
Users who text ALACHUAESP to 888-777 will receive Spanish-language messages during disasters such as hurricanes.
President Donald Trump issued an executive order over the weekend declaring English as the official language of the U.S.
Francis’ feeble voice, discernible through his labored breaths and in his native Spanish, was recorded from the hospital and ...
Although recent censuses found few Native people need translation services, Cázares-Kelly said she keeps tribal and Spanish language interpreters on hand to help voters exercise what she called ...
To ease concerns, the Native American Rights Fund and the American Civil Liberties Union issued guidance urging people to contact ... approached in Spanish and asked to show a U.S. passport.
A new road trip of the Southwest’s Indigenous heartlands offers travellers a greater understanding of the past, present and ...
But what matters is the spirit of the thing. The English language is under not the slightest threat in America, and providing ...
With a weak and labored voice, a grateful Pope Francis, thanks supporters in an audio recording that was recorded and ...
Montalvo Elementary School's 25th anniversary of its Dual Language Immersion Program drew a crowd in the hundreds on Tuesday.