Someone cut off the head of a sea lion in Northern California and rode off with it in a bag. Authorities are now offering $20 ...
At a tumultuous moment in Australian arts, Patricia Piccinini is stepping into a new role and tackling difficult topics.
Laxmipathy’s stunning image (seen above) took Special Mention honors in the Animal Behavior category of this year’s Nature ...
Fanni Sandor’s breathtakingly detailed miniature animal sculptures have captivated audiences worldwide. Her ability to ...
A fascinating new book is an eye-opening journey into the many ways ants, apes, bees, bears, and other animals know how to ...
两篇发表在《自然》杂志上的论文描述了对代谢网络复杂功能理解的重大进展。这些研究来自Marian Walhout博士实验室,其实验室十多年来一直致力于研究代谢的基础问题。 Walhout博士指出,生物体不断监测其营养摄入,并调整代谢以产生生物量和能量;代谢通过一系列化学反应进行,这些反应共同构成了代谢网络。Walhout实验室试图了解这些反应是如何协同工作的,以及当网络中的信息流动被破坏时会发生什么 ...
A snub-nosed monkey is pictured at the Baima Snow Mountain National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Yunnan Province, ...
Horse expert Chad Hanson combines stunning imagery with insights from the science of awe and wonder to shed light on the ...
It might look fake, but this is the world's cutest sheep. It looks fake but has some of the cutest quirks you've ever seen.
East Feliciana Parish Sheriff’s office recovered the bird less than 48 hours after staff discovered the gate to Mango’s ...
My personal values have always been intertwined with a deep respect for all living beings. Over time, I became increasingly ...