An explainable deep learning model enables the identification and virtual optimization of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) from the oral microbiome, yielding novel AMPs with activity against ESKAPE ...
In Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, bacteria undergo an extraordinary cycle of evolution, altering their evolutionary processes depending on the weather. Bacteria in Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, evolve in an ...
What is the structure of our physical reality? Physicists have long imagined space and time interweaving into “space-time”, the metaphorical fabric that underlies the cosmos. But there may be ...
"When people notice nature, and not necessarily even just spend extra time, but just [notice] it, we know it enhances our positive emotions," she told The Current's host Matt Galloway.
The iron lung, conceptualized in the late 1920s, was most notably the first line of defense against polio during the epidemics that occurred between 1948 to 1955. The device saved the lives of ...
司龙龙团队开发的第一代 PROTAR 疫苗技术虽然显示出良好的潜力,但该技术仅允许“生命开关”元件 PTD 装载在病毒蛋白两端(N端和C端),可能会 ...
Last spring, when the sculpture — briefly titled “Steel Horse” and then “Pegasus” by the artist, but popularly known as Iron Horse — was extricated from a concrete pad in a cornfield ...
2025 年 1 月 15 日,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院合成生物学研究所司龙龙团队在 Nature 子刊 Nature Microbiology 和 Nature Chemical Biology 上同期发表两项重要研究成果。论文题目分别是:Proteolysis-targeting influenza vaccine strains induce broad-spectrum ...