Denver Museum of Nature & Science (DMNS) announced the launch of its East Wing Project which will refresh the former Phipps ...
The Denver Museum of Nature & Science, one of the largest nonprofits in Colorado, recently received the $20 million gift from ...
在上周最新一期的顶刊Nature和Science上,有一位国内学者作为共同通讯作者在物理材料研究领域接连参与发表了两篇重要文章,他就是来自中国科学院物理研究所的张广宇。下面我们来简单了解一下: ...
Famed physicist Stephen Hawking took gravity to its ultimate limits. In doing so, he made a number of significant ...
Science is under attack. Research funding is being cut. Scientists are being fired. Data are being deleted. Long-running ...
New features include the Gardening Robot (FarmBot), a CNC-programmed bot that plants, waters, and weeds garden beds, showcasing technology’s role in sustainable agriculture. The "What’s in Your ...
European Space Agency releases new data that could help us understand the nature of the universe - Euclid space telescope is ...
Researchers have broken a distance record in quantum communication by sending a secret encryption key nearly 13,000 km from ...
Available through the Sustainability Exchange, this service will offer science-based carbon credits to suppliers, business ...
By studying never-before-seen details of brain connectivity in human infants, researchers have identified how a balance of innate structure and flexible learning produces our remarkably organized ...
To address the shortfall, Just Climate has raised $175 million from Microsoft’s Climate Innovation Fund and CalSTRS.
We've all been there—stuffed at a restaurant, convinced we can't take another bite, until the server drops the dessert menu.