A talented engineer puts together an impressive machine that can play the classic Wii Sports bowling minigame and almost get ...
I just want to show people that there are, and always have been, incredible composers creating amazing music for video games.
The Monday letters page has a go at predicting Nintendo Switch 2 reveal games, as one reader explores the difficulty of ...
Most recent release: The team most recently worked with partners on Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition and Alarmo.
Shackers who want to join in on the fun can head over to the Shacknews Twitch channel, where you can tune into the Stevetendo ...
If you’ve ever tried to play the Resident Evil games in order, you know how tricky it can be. Let us ease your way into the franchise!
Just like in NBA Street V3, Mario, Luigi, and Peach all star as fully playable characters in SSX On Tour. This extreme ...
I t's MAR10 day! But in the spirit of celebrating the quirky plumber who has given us so many amazing games over the years, I ...
Take in a blast from the past with this list of every cover athlete in the Madden NFL franchise from this millennium.
Modern Warfare is the best Call of Duty of the 2000s, featuring the fast-paced action and killstreak rewards that the ...
It's unfortunate. Despite being one of the best-selling consoles of all time, the Nintendo Wii is incredibly overrated. Its ...
Peter Moore recently appeared on Gamertag Radio with Danny Pena and said that if given the option, Microsoft would no longer ...