What does nuclear deterrence look like in Europe now that NATO is unsure whether the U.S. will be a committed partner? NPR speaks with Paul Cormarie, analyst with the Rand Corporation.
Talk of replacing the American nuclear umbrella over Europe with the small British and French nuclear armories is in the air, ...
It’s a new day in Europe. Gone are the halcyon years of unshakeable American commitment to Europe’s defense against Russia.
US nuclear weapons are still stationed in Germany. But President Donald Trump's pivot away from Europe is weakening shared nuclear deterrence. Could France help out?
Faced with uncertainty over US defense commitments, Berlin explores closer nuclear cooperation with France and the UK.
Ukraine surrendered its Soviet-era nuclear stockpile more than three decades ago and experts have questioned whether Kyiv ...
Rather than ensuring peace will prevail, the notion of nuclear deterrence could in certain situations in an Asian context heighten the risk of nuclear warfare erupting, and possibly going global ...
Anxieties over US threats to stop protecting the continent are prompting various proposals to reinforce Europe’s deterrence posture – but many of these have serious flaws.
The nuclear shadow has precluded large-scale war between nuclear states. A fear of mutual destruction helped keep the Cold ...
There are few weapons in the world that are more useful unused. What many people don’t realize is that nuclear weapons are ...