At least two mass extinction events in Earth's history were likely caused by the "devastating" effects of nearby supernova ...
At least two mass extinction events in Earth's history were likely caused by the "devastating" effects of nearby supernova ...
Exploding stars known as supernovas may have sparked mass extinctions that wiped out up to 85% of animals on Earth.
“一雷惊蛰始。”春雷炸响,万物复苏。蛰伏冬眠的蝎子,悄然出洞,这一幕,或许自四亿年前开始便在陆地上循环上演。蝎子是地球上第一批从海洋走向陆地的节肢动物,但因为化石的稀缺,其演化故事鲜为人知。从海到陆,为啥这种蝎子化石这么少?被称为“海蝎子”的远古生物 ...