Cod sold in some European supermarkets is being mislabeled and is actually fished far from its claimed origin, according to ...
▲ 点击上方蓝字关注CellPress细胞科学 ▲生命科学Life ...
Ancient DNA traces the Huns' journey from Mongolia to Europe. But this wasn't straightforward.
The origin of the Huns in fourth-century Europe has long been debated, but centuries-old DNA has revealed their diverse backgrounds. Comments ( 0 ) ( ) When you purchase through links on our site ...
A genetic study traced the origins and expansion of Celtic languages, revealing their migration patterns to Western Europe.
DNA analysis shows European Huns had genetic links to Central Asia, revealing a complex history of migration and mixing.
CABI has led a team of scientists who have used DNA barcodes to narrow down the possible sources of introductions of an ...