With all the sightings of strange objects in the sky, people have been wondering for decades what these things can be. Whether it’s Roswell or Area 51, people have been convinced there have been ...
Today there is mounting concern about the threat of a bioterrorist attack using smallpox—so much concern that in October 2001 the American government decided to order enough vaccine to protect ...
Shows like “Nova,” PBS NewsHour,” and “Science Friday” have fostered a spirit of curiosity and exploration, helping to bridge the educational gap that often exists in rural areas like ours.
But today it stands in a remote, little-visited jungle setting. Known for its handsome temples and exceptional carvings, this white-stoned city reached its peak during the Late Classic Period ...
Shows like “Nova,” PBS NewsHour” and “Science Friday” have fostered a spirit of curiosity and exploration, helping to bridge the educational gap that often exists in rural areas like ours.
PBS’ “Nova” series examines the phenomenon of ... Chris Schmidt explained about why this documentary is relevant today: “So, a lot of ‘Nova’ programs that we make, we make when we ...