Farmers in the Northeast have shown a willingness to stop crop burning and switch to a decomposition method instead, saying they are ready to be part of the transition towards sustainable agriculture ...
Hyderabad: Recent findings from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have identified ambient particulate ...
Long-term exposure to PM2.5, PM10, NO2 and ozone (O3) air pollution is associated with more hospital admissions for lower respiratory tract infections in adults.
HIgh fine particulate matter levels in he air drive Wayne and Kalamazoo counties to be redesignated as nonattainment areas ...
In its manifesto, the BJP promised substantial reduction in air pollution. In its final part of 'Viksit Delhi, Sankalp Patra ...
经自治区生态环境厅与自治区气象局综合分析预测,2月9日—10日,受不利气象条件影响,银川都市圈可能出现一次PM2.5污染;11日地面偏北风增强,受河西走廊及内蒙古中西部沙尘传输叠加临近沙源地共同起沙影响,区域大部将出现一次沙尘天气过程。具体预报如下: ...
齐鲁晚报·齐鲁壹点 赵波 大气污染专项整治,PM2.5平均浓度为26微克/立方米、改善10.3%;李村河北岸水质净化厂等11个污水处理项目完成改造;新培育国家级绿色工厂14家;城镇新建住宅全部达到绿色建筑标准;新建充电桩3万个;修复历史遗留废弃矿山2960亩……2024年,青岛坚持生态优先、绿色发展,美丽青岛建设深入开展。
Delhi remained the second most polluted Indian city in January, with an average PM2.5 concentration of 165 micrograms per ...
The five districts that reported the highest levels of PM2.5 are Lat Krabang (52.5 µg/m³), Nong Jok (51.2 µg/m³), Bang Na (48 ...
Air pollution is a growing health issue worldwide, and its impacts are often underestimated in aging societies like Japan.
海南日报讯 (海南日报全媒体记者党朝峰)海南日报全媒体记者日前从海口市生态环境局获悉,2025年春节期间(1月28日至2月4日),海口市环境空气质量总体优良,优良率100%。主要考核指标PM2.5浓度值全天及各小时均未出现超标情况,PM2.5平均浓度值为17微克/立方米,较去年春节下降29.2%,为近三年最优值。
Now-buried draft recommendations from the TCEQ flagged pollution violations in Harris County, along with Dallas, Bowie and ...