First Congregational Church of Sunderland, 91 S. Main St., Serendipity Shop is open on Saturdays, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. with items for sale at bargain prices. Weekly Sunday church service is ...
Only a generation ago, Norman Rockwell’s 1959 painting Sunday Morning was a prophetic diagnosis for pastors everywhere. The ...
It's enough to make anyone curl up under the duvet that bit longer. Scientists say a Sunday morning lie-in is good for your health – and could even make you happier. People who spend up to two ...
Drawing on the ideas of 3rd and 4th century desert fathers and mothers, Sunday Worship explores ideas of wilderness, silence, temptation and freedom as part of our Lenten journey Show more Drawing ...
And around the world, there have been prayers for his recovery ... The Vatican said on Sunday morning that the pope had had a restful night, without providing further details about his condition.
Pope Francis’ health remains stable as he continues treatment for respiratory issues, the Vatican says in a statement on Tuesday evening. The 88-year-old pope did not experience ...
Reverend Kate Bottley and Jason Mohammad present uplifting stories about life, love and modern spirituality.
Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala of South Sudan’s Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio (CDTY) is among Catholic Church leaders in Africa, calling for prayers for Pope Francis, who has been hospitalized ...
No matter how exciting a church’s worship is, if prayers are not being answered there, the worship is in vain. Hence, he prayed: “Have respect therefore to the prayer of thy servant ...
The NFL’s looming development of a full-blown Sunday morning international package had some thinking that Netflix, given its global footprint, would be interested. But Netflix is thinking bigger than ...