"Please do not play with chimpanzees with your mobile phone, it will affect their physical and mental health. Don't show me videos! And don't knock on the glass." This warning sign reminding visitors ...
2. 研究发现短睡眠与长睡眠分别与不同的生物学路径相关,短睡眠与情绪调节相关脑区的退化有关,而长睡眠与记忆衰退和神经退行性疾病风险密切相关。 3.
近日,深圳大学心理学院 邹立业教授与南京体育学院陈爱国教授联合全球运动与认知科学领域的知名学者,在Cell旗下的权威医学期刊《Trends in Molecular Medicine》 (2023 IF = 12.8,中科院一区) 发表了一篇题为“Physical Activity, Cathepsin B, and Cognitive Health”的观点论文。该论文深入探讨了 ...
建议运动前喝一杯温开水,并准备一些易于携带的水果或能量棒作为补充。 本文综合自: ①Ning Y, Chen M, Yang H, Jia J. Accelerometer-measured physical activity timing with incident dementia. Alzheimers Dement. Published online January 27, 2025.