“The beauty of our construction is that it is based only on modifications of the Einstein equations predicted naturally by quantum gravity. No other components are needed,” says researcher Pablo A.
APCTP Winter school on Fundamental Physics is intended to provide graduate students from member countries with an opportunity to learn some of basic subjects in fundamental physics. The main topics ...
Published in Nature Communications, this theoretical framework uses the power of stochastic differential equations to observe the fluctuation of data points ... Random walks and diffusion on networks.
When we turn on a light or check the weather forecast, we are reaping the practical benefits of physics research. As well as exploring fundamental science, this BSc goes to the cutting edge of ...
This four-year programme offers an additional year of study on top of the Physics BSc, during which students have the opportunity to specialise further by taking advanced optional modules, and ...
Indeed, when CERN was founded in 1954, its convention included cosmic rays in the list of scientific interests. But even though accelerators came to provide the best hunting ground for new particles, ...
With today's data rates of only a few hundred megabytes per second, access to digital information remains relatively slow. Initial experiments have already shown a promising new strategy: Magnetic ...