Planetary Geology involves the origin and age of the solid bodies in the solar system (planets, satellites, asteroids, comets, and rings) and the geological evolution of their surfaces and interiors.
Geological resources such as critical metals and minerals, essential for the diffusion of technologies such as renewable energy and energy storage towards a decarbonized society, are indispensable for ...
"Planetary geophysics is the study of how planets ... Geophysics is a combination of geology and physics but also incorporates mathematics, chemistry, atmospheric science, seismology, mineralogy ...
The study indicates that regional water availability limits both the current and future production of 32 geological resources ...
The Planetary Science Minor allows students interested in Astronomy or Geology to broaden their perspectives and to apply their knowledge to planets other than Earth. Here you have a unique ...
Stargazers in parts of the U.S. have a fleeting opportunity this month to catch a rare celestial phenomena—a "parade" of seven planets—for the last time until the year 2036.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 128, No. 964 (2016 June), pp. 1-20 (20 pages) Radar exploration of the Solar System changed dramatically during and beyond the period of ...
Geology studies students gain a deep understanding and appreciation ... Shrock Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at the ...
This research area uses biology, chemistry, geology, and physics to understand how the Earth System supports such a diversity of live and how human behavior is impacting this system. This program ...
Geology is broadly the study of the Earth and other planets, moons, and smaller planetary bodies. Fields of geology range from the initial formation and differentiation of the Earth to modern ...
Without a magnetic field, the Moon’s surface is exposed to solar wind. These could have been depositing resources like water and potential rocket fuel on the Moon’s surface for billions of years.
The Planetary Geology Department studies the solid surfaces of planets, moons, and small bodies in the solar system. Geological mapping as well as morphological and spectral analyses provide a record ...