As we creep toward spring, many gardeners begin to get the urge to get out in the garden. Seed starting and garden planning activities are well under way. One gardening technique that many gardeners ...
For farmers trying to Flip their Soil and improve soil health one simple thing they can do this fall is plant cereal rye as a cover crop and plant soybeans into that stand. Soil health experts say ...
Myron Sylling, who has $32,000 in federal funding frozen, spoke at a seminar hosted by University of Minnesota Extension on March 4 in Rochester.
To save money, energy, and to get week after week of crops instead of one big harvest, the key is to sow your own seeds, ...
Money savings from grazing cover crops instead of feeding stored feed can cover the expenses of planting the cover crop. Grazing cover crops accomplishes one of the soil health principles of ...
Your entrance into cover cropping might be easier if ... in net profit over the two years that resulted from planting the cover crops and foregoing income from the 37-bu.-per-acre double-cropped ...
Cover crops of fodder radish and mustard planted straight into S wheat stubble with Guttler Supermax ... triticale and wheat. Considering planting annual forages/cover crops for some fall forage? This ...
There's no definite answer for when farmers will be planting their crops as spring rolls in, say North Dakota State University agriculture Extension agents. Mother Nature will probably determine that.
Around 40 people gathered at the North Webster Community Center to enjoy breakfast and learn how conservation agriculture ...
Salt is lethal to crops typically grown on Delmarva — the corn, soybeans and wheat that become fodder for the region’s $5 ...
Sweet potatoes are grown using root sprouts called "slips." Grow your own slips by using sweet potatoes sourced from a ...