Kiri Erb has a 'natural' gift of cooking for crowds, now she and her kaimahi are gearing up to feed thousands at Te Matatini o Te Kāhui Maunga. Erb, the owner Hāwera's Tika Restaurant, Cafe, and ...
This school has a high Māori and Polynesian population, which means a career path in many industries is being cut off or at least jeopardised for these kids.
Hohepa Puru took an intercept with 30 seconds left to give the Indigenous side one more crack and they threw the kitchen sink at the Maori’s line but the defence is equal to the challenge and ...
Don Brash submitted the below to the Herald as a response to the column from Lady Moxon. They declined the column, but I am happy to publish it here. Surely, in a liberal democracy, there are few ...
This impact, like many historic changes, will be having a much greater effect on Māori as only 57.7% of Māori participants passed reading (compared to 78.8% of European students); 55.1% of Maori ...