美国总统唐纳德·特朗普标志性的关税措施说来就来,造成市场上周剧烈震荡。为应对持续不断的不确定性,投资者试图调整股票投资组合,却发现在他首任时积累的经验几无用武之地。 特朗普依旧采取高举低落的关税大棒策略,对贸易伙伴先是威胁狠加关税,之后说撤就撤,要么推迟加征,或者干脆全部取消。不过除此之外,大环境已基本改变。
China's Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) has ordered the arrest of Li Weiwei, a former national political advisor, for suspected bribe-taking. Li's case was investigated by the National Commission ...
A portrait of Benito Mussolini and his political rise, from the foundation of the Italian Fasci to the imposition of the most ferocious dictatorship Italy has ever known.
“超过一百万犹太人在奥斯维辛集中营被杀害。这个数字中包括我自己家族的一名成员。我的曾祖母伊达·兰森伯格(Ida ...