In collaboration with the awarding-winning team behind CBeebies’ Numberblocks, this maths Live Lesson explores ways of counting to 100. Topics include use of written and mental methods ...
collectionKS1 Maths Collection Find easy-to-follow active learning videos covering topics including division, number bonds and the 2, 4, 5 and 10 times tables. Key Stage 1. collectionKey Stage 1 ...
As part of a government initiative to "transform maths education" by accelerating the rollout of the refreshed curriculum, 1890 primary schools - from Year 0 to Year 8 - have ordered new maths ...
THE best-performing primary schools across Herefordshire have been revealed according to figures from the Department for Education.
HERE'S the latest news from Kilwinning's Corsehill Primary School, courtesy of the senior pupils. In Maths, they have been doing French numbers and number blocks. In literacy they have been doing the ...
In the polytunnel, primary 4 were planting vegetables and flowers for outdoor learning. Continuing that subject, they were also researching the importance of plants and vegetables in your life. In ...