The best time to plant bare-root fruit trees like apples is towards the end of winter or the first half of spring, once the ground is no longer frozen so it can be easily dug, ...
Cut branches forced into bloom can help add sunshine to those gloomy winter days and it is not hard to coax many into flower. Branches from cherry, plum, forsythia, apple, ...
These are young fruit trees, as well as peaches, nectarines, grapes, and berry bushes. It is also not recommended to prune trees where you plan to remove large parts of the trunk or skeletal branches.
Every winter I prune my fruit trees and as I do I think, 'uuhhh I don’t really know what I’m doing.' So this year I decided to reach out and get some help. I sat down with Russell Norton a ...
Note: Do not prune more than 20% of your tree in a single year. This could put it into shock. If you over prune, your tree will dedicate its energy to growing new leaves instead of fruit.