近日,PS5 Pro 30周年纪念版迎来了一项令人难以置信的促销活动,让广大玩家有机会以1美元的价格入手这款珍贵的游戏主机。这不仅是对初代PS1的致敬,更是对所有 PlayStation 爱好者的巨大福利。
You still get the impressive DualSense controller along with all the benefits that the PS5 offers. With the arrival of the new revision, there are some great bundles around, including a free ...
相比之下, 索尼PS5系列机型(包括标准版、数字版和高端版PS5 Pro)1月在日本的销售量仅为8万1587台,较去年同期(18万5480台)暴跌56%,连续第13个月出现下滑,月销售量三个月来首次低于10万台。
索尼PlayStation Blog宣布,国产游戏《失落之魂》PS5标准版建议零售价为468港币(约436元),数位豪华版568港币(约529元)。
Dealabs reports that this PS5 bundle would be for the Standard Edition of the console, which is the one that includes a disc drive. The bundle is said to be releasing across North America and ...
There are many big PS5 games to look forward to over the next couple of months, including a new Kingdom Come Deliverance. Beyond that, there's Monster Hunter Wilds, as well as Death Stranding 2 ...
最新消息显示,索尼在去年 12 月 3 日为旗下 PS5 游戏机上线“PlayStation 30 周年”限时主题,这四款主题(30 周年纪念 / PS1 / PS2 / PS3 / ...
《黑神话:悟空》发行已将近半年,众多玩家想必已经体验过这款游戏,并感受到了它在全球游戏界的影响。近日,知名UP主“骨灰级游戏玩家_杨老头”收到了PS5版的实体副本,并分享了序章游玩视频。他在视频中全情投入地游玩并感慨道:“这是我第一次见到这样的孙悟空,中国自主研发出了如此高级别的游戏,这是一次里程碑式的突破。我终于等到了,期待未来能有更多此类优秀作品出自中国。” ...
The best PS5 accessories are the ideal way to augment your gaming experience and get even more out of Sony's flagship gaming console. Whether you've had your PS5 since launch, or you've only just ...
2月12日,据外媒报道,索尼公司有望在明天的State Of Play发布会上正式宣布微软旗下第一方游戏《地狱之刃2:塞娜的传说》将登陆PS5平台。该游戏于去年5月21日发售,售价为248元,在Steam上的评价较高,IGN给出了8分的评分。