Pairs of quarks and antiquarks also make fleeting appearances. The quantum corrections necessary to allow for this swarm of gluons and quarks are very large, and hence perturbation theory — with ...
Most top quarks are produced in top–antitop pairs by the strong force. The production rate for this process is substantial (it has a cross-section of about 7 picobarns) and the presence of two ...
Quarks are fundamental particles that flicker in and out of existence in quantum blizzards, their interactions governed by ...
with one being produced by a gluon radiated by a quark-antiquark pair. Physicists love a particle accelerator, and we have ...
Hadrons fall into two types: baryons - Made up of three quarks. Protons and neutrons are both types of baryon mesons - Made up of a quark and antiquark pair There are six types of quarks.
The net result of all of this is that there are only two viable sorts of quark composite: baryons, formed of three quarks (and their equivalent antibaryons, formed of three antiquarks); and mesons ...