The best time to plant garlic is in the fall, as this allows for proper bulb formation during a necessary cold period known ...
Conservation of soil and water is basic to agricultural education today. But it was not always so. A hundred years ago, soil ...
James Strain recently attended Goldcrop’s launch of new white clover verities. This prompted him to think about the use of ...
Delivery will be March 8, 2025 at the Extension Office. Check with your club leaders for when your club will be picking up the order. We need volunteers to help sort fruit. Watch for an email ...
Some warmer weather, and now that March and meteorological spring are here, have home gardeners wondering about using left ...
Managing soils to improve physical structure and chemical and biological activity has become a key trend on arable farms this ...
The use of red clover supplements has gained popularity recently due to their potential health benefits. Red clover, a type of legume, is frequently used in traditional medicine to help ease ...
"Corn stalks serve as a site for beans to climb, beans fix nitrogen from the atmosphere into the soil, and squash acts as a ground cover to suppress ... in regards to crop rotations.
Liz Stahl, extension educator of crops from University of Minnesota Extension in Worthington explains things producers need to remember when adding cover crops and herbicides together on an operation.
Her bathroom breaks would also imprint an ever-expanding array of canine crop circles on the lawn ... I’ve added clover, which also enriches the soil with safe, nourishing levels of nitrogen ...
We have project resource books available at the Extension Office. These resources will guide you through beginning a new project and can help you further develop and ...