Religion has been an integral part of human history, influencing culture, governance, and conflict. Initially, religions were formed as a way to explain natural phenomena, create moral structures, and ...
Listen to Tom each Tuesday and Thursday morning after the 11 AM news as he joins Andy Brownell for Rochester Today on ...
The author’s latest book examines the tension between religious and political conservatives and secular popular artists and ...
A staunch champion of pluralism, he was described in Time magazine as “the most influential living interpreter of religion in ...
Join us on Patreon and receive the full newsletter, podcast transcripts and access to all of our religion content. How do Latter-day Saint missionaries compare to their Catholic counterparts?
Roman religion was divided into two. Spirits watched over people, families and households, and the paterfamilias was in charge of the household worship that honored them. Romans also had a set of ...
(403) So the Romans being now become masters of the wars, they both placed their ensigns upon the towers, and made joyful acclamations for the victory they had gained, as having found the end of ...