Last year, more than 25,000 Illinois students -- from both public and private schools -- received a religious exemption for the measles vaccine. That’s up about 90% from a decade before, according to ...
Currently, a Certificate of Religious Exemption can only be issued by a county health department. According to the Alabama Department of Public Health website, a parent or legal guardian must ...
In light of recent Supreme Court decisions such as Masterpiece Cakeshop and Trinity Lutheran, the department proposed to clarify that the religious exemption “allows religious contractors not only to ...
Ludwig von Mises coined the term “useful innocents” – later transformed by others into a less charitable term “useful idiots” ...
I am a lifelong conservative Republican, and I come by it honestly. My dad served on the Credentials Committee at the 1984 ...
Pro-vaccine advocates are trying to build support for a bill that would get rid of religious exemptions for routine childhood vaccine requirements in Massachusetts’ schools. Lawmakers held a ...
Three Amish schools in New York sued after being fined for not complying with the state’s vaccine mandate for children to attend school. The Empire State did away with its religious exemption in 2019, ...
Any child already attending school with an already approved religious exemption, however, can remain exempt. The vote came after hours of testimony, and debate over the safety and efficacy of ...
“If a Catholic school…were to have a family show up for school and they indicate that they’re going to avail themselves of the state law for a philosophical or religious exemption, are you ...
The Religious Studies Program offers courses that foster the understanding of world religions and their influence on human behavior in a complex globalizing and intersectional world. Through the focus ...
Anitra Hamilton during a discussion of House Bill 2033, relating to foster or adoption parents sincerely held religious or moral ... B unless proof of a medical exemption can be shown.