VDOT has updated its road construction and maintenance schedule for the week of March 10-14. The VDOT Customer Service Center can assist with reporting road hazards, asking transportation ...
SRS Watch is a non-profit organization working on sound policies and projects by the U.S. Department of Energy, inclduing oppositio n to the proposed SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant. Partially finished pluto ...
In seasonally adjusted terms in the December quarter: Total construction work done rose 0.5% to $73,936.9m Building work done fell 0.7% to $38,297.9m Engineering work done rose 1.8% to $35,639.0m The ...
According to HomeAdvisor, a network and marketplace made up of construction professionals, the national average range to build a home in the United States is currently between $138,937 and $531,294.
Construction of new residential and commercial spaces is booming in Edmonton, influenced by new relaxed zoning rules as well as a longer-term trend of neighbourhoods being reshaped by the city's ...
GT Logistics has renewed its lease for 21,000 sqm of warehouse space at Reino IO Piotrków. The company is part of Grupa Transportowa, which operates i ...
POLAND Polish residential developer Atal is planning a flotation on the Warsaw Stock Exchange to raise between PLN 150–170 mln to finance an expansion into the Czech market, the company’s ...