Post-Wall, the factory assumed various names and guises until 1862 when it became the Royal Worcester Porcelain Company, a name now owned by The Portmerion Group. Worcester is the most widely ...
The key figure in the story of Doulton's 'Burslem' studio is Charles Noke. He had spent 15 years at the Royal Worcester factory before he became chief modeller at Doulton in 1889 where he remained the ...
STROKE services at Worcestershire Royal Hospital still require improvement, following its most recent inspection. This comes despite noted improvements in a report released by the Care Quality ...
The Royal Mint has revealed the 9 rarest £2 coins in circulation in the UK today. The £2 coin has become a hidden treasure with our change, with some of the rarest examples of the coin being ...
BEIJING--China is marking the 75th year of Communist Party rule as economic challenges and security threats linger over the massive state. No festivities have been announced for the occasion ...
18 anniversary of the Mukden Incident in 1931, which China marks as the beginning of the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, now northeast China. On June 24th, a knife attack at a school bus stop ...
Kate Middleton style choices, fashion, dresses and photos of the Princess' inspiring oufits Skinny jeans never went out of style, according to the Princess of Wales ...
Find Members of Parliament (MPs) and Members of the House of Lords. ParliamentNow presents information from the UK Parliament annunciator system, covering both the House of Commons and House of Lords.