Life's building blocks may not have been crafted in the lightning flashes of a tempest, a new study suggests, so much as in the ceaseless glow of rolling ocean mists.
In a business solutions features, material science, researchers at the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Madras and nagoya institute.
The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has cleared a major hurdle in making a Generation IV nuclear reactor practical. Using a ...
When light interacts with metallic nanostructures, it instantaneously generates plasmonic hot carriers, which serve as key ...
The pioneering nuclear chemist Glenn Seaborg discovered berkelium at Berkeley Lab in 1949. It was one of many achievements ...
In this week's Current Climate newsletter, EPA's radical break with Republican history; a climate-friendly digital bank’s ...
When light interacts with metallic nanostructures, it instantaneously generates plasmonic hot carriers, which serve as key ...
Rice University has established the Rice Center for Membrane Excellence (RiCeME), which is dedicated to developing advanced membrane materials and separation technologies for energy, environmental ...
Kathleen Stebe, Richer & Elizabeth Goodwin Professor in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE), is tackling this ...
The IAEA employs nuclear techniques, specifically isotope hydrology, to support countries in efficiently managing freshwater ...
A breakthrough in heavy-element chemistry shatters long-held assumptions about transuranium elements. Researchers have ...
The JWST is the largest, most powerful space telescope ever deployed. It sees further into the infrared than any previous infrared telescope and has extremely high resolution. That means that when it ...