SNOLAB, Canada’s deep underground research lab, is developing a program for students in Greater Sudbury and across Canada ...
Opinions expressed are those of the author. A lot of ink has been spilled on the question of what will ultimately win: the scientific method, an approach to learning about the world by coming up ...
Sakana said its AI generated the first peer-reviewed scientific publication. But while the claim isn't untrue, there are ...
A study by a team from Western Michigan University investigated the improvements that could be gained in electrospray ...
Dubai Lila Sciences, a pioneering venture in artificial intelligence , has secured $200 million in seed funding to de ...
Animals can learn from each other, maintaining their cultures for long periods of time. What sets people apart may be the ...
Failure to agree on global grants to help low- and middle-income countries to achieve net-zero emissions cannot be the end of the story. An urgent solution is needed.
The International Space Station supports a wide range of scientific activities, from looking out at our universe to ...
Quantum physics is one of the most fascinating and complex areas of science, helping us understand everything from particle ...
For me, that reality came when my grandaunt was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease and became one of those ...
From the discovery of gravity to the first mission to defend Earth from an asteroid, here are the most important physics ...
Some attendees of a packed presentation were curious about the prospect of the first ‘topological’ qubits, but left with ...