What is important to understand is that everyone — even current subscribers — will need to sign up for this service. Our old Breaking News text alert system will end August 31st. To sign up ...
In a guest post for Macworld, Macdrifter’s Gabe Weatherhead shares some tips about his note-taking workflow, based on plain text files. Like everyone else, I need to keep track of lots of bits of ...
You can write a custom message on this sign. A text sign is a craftable item that allows you to enter any message you wish. Simply place the sign once crafted, then interact with it to create a ...
So, it's understandable that many marketers long to return to the days of plain text emails as a simpler alternative. There's a nostalgia around plain text emails. They take us back to an easier time ...
Essentially, CriticMarkup is a plain text syntax for marking up text in editorial reviews. For someone who writes in Markdown and works with a team on a daily basis, CriticMarkup is the missing piece ...
Makaton is the sign and symbol language used in Something Special. The aim of Makaton is to help people communicate through speech, so when someone is able to say the correct words, they’re ...