I had some time in the weekend so I decided to take an API which I have encountered in during the semester, and decided to implement a simple Desktop Application that is fetching data from this API ...
FocusMate, a simple pomodoro timer desktop widget.
But, what if you could have remote desktop access anywhere with just one tool? Instead of stressing about a work file you can't access from your personal laptop at home, have constant, simple ...
I can position the screen(s) directly in front of me at eye level no matter if I'm standing or sitting, and the previous limitations on desktop space ... arms are fairly simple pieces of what ...
Customers who purchased a guinea pig from Pets At Home have been contacted by the chain with “detailed advice and guidance”. The infection can cause guinea pigs to catch pneumonia and could ...
Focus on everything you need to get done with a to-do list app filled with smart features. Whether you're using the desktop app at home or the mobile app on the go, access your task list and stay ...