To speak German confidently, it’s helpful to know how to pronounce words correctly. German has lots of similar phonemes to English, which should help when pronouncing a lot of German words.
That was a brilliant stroke of false advertising of course because there’s no such thing – and never will be such a thing – as a "complete" dictionary of German. But how many words does the German ...
Saying 'bitte' in response to 'danke' can become a reflex, especially for early language learners, but there are plenty of other expressions to use. Here are some more interesting ways to acknowledge ...
Conjunctions are joining words. They link two clauses to make them into one. The main conjunctions in German are coordinating and subordinating conjunctions: coordinating conjunctions are simple ...
Our German courses are based on the levels of the Common European ... Can make him/herself understood in simple, routine situations dealing with a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar ...