From Lee Egerstrom Minnesota 2020 economic development fellow While just a seedling next to Minnesota’s booming corn and soybean business, small- and medium-scale produce agriculture shows ...
As turning a profit became tougher for small farmers ... be easier just to sell out to the big suppliers? “The last offer I got was $67,000 for the whole farm,” Kyle Mitchell said.
Since 2013, the Indiana Small Farm Conference has been the premier annual event for Indiana’s small- and diversified-farm community — helping them experience continuing education and enjoy ...
Farming is often a big business, involving thousands of animals ... A hundred years ago, a small farm would have had a range of different animals that provided food for the family and the local ...
Farm-to-school programs are also becoming another option for small farm production, and Minnesota is a leader in this area. Farmers are able to work directly with local schools to sell healthy and ...
WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) - New York Farms ... big and small. So what’s the system in question? “It concerns overtime,” said Claudia Tenney. Over the next 7 years, the overtime threshold ...
It wouldn’t be a problem if we made enough money. “It’s a big worry as if you are a small farm and you have to sell of a field or two then you have nothing left. NFU Weymouth protest (Image ...
On a small piece of land alongside the Connecticut ... by a blight at the turn of the 20th Century. Neiger called the farm Big River Chestnuts. But six years is a long time to wait for an income.