New research shows that whales move nutrients thousands of miles—in their pee and poop—from as far as Alaska to Hawaii, ...
A team from EL PAÍS joins the Spanish expedition which has detected the spread of deadly avian flu among Antarctic fauna ...
Sediment samples from the Ross Sea coastline are revealing insights into how animals like elephant seals and Adélie penguins ...
An unusually high number of disoriented marine mammals, sickened by a toxic algae bloom, is being found along Southern ...
Sarah Cannizzo, an associate veterinarian at Forth Worth Zoo, is one of only two zoo vets in Texas certified to conduct ...
The world’s largest and oldest iceberg, which is twice the size of Greater London, has run aground near the island of South ...
After months of care at uShaka Sea World, Rocky the juvenile elephant seal has been successfully released back into the ocean ...
Rocky, a young southern elephant seal showed up on the mid-South Coast on Rocky Bay beach. He opted to stay a little longer than usual on the beach and concerned community members kept a close eye on ...
It was two days before the holidays when my husband, Benjamin and I stood on the jet bridge awaiting our flight to San Luis ...
Analysis of sedimentary ancient DNA has illuminated 6000 years of the lives of Adélie penguin colonies on Antarctica's Ross Sea coast, showing how ...
But samples from further down, where penguin DNA and eggshell were scarce, contained DNA from southern elephant seals. Today, elephant seals are uncommon visitors to the Antarctic continent, and breed ...