A stress test is sometimes called a cardiac stress ... Dr. Hassan Makki, a board-certified Interventional Cardiologist practicing at Premier Cardiovascular Center in Chandler, Arizona says ...
“It can be tricky because women don’t always have the same symptoms that we typically relate to heart disease like chest pain,” explains Dr. Jorge Alvarez, a cardiologist in San ...
A simple exercise can reveal your heart health, and there are easy ways to improve it, a cardiologist said.
Stress overwhelms quickly. Active mindful breathing can help you escape its scary, contorting grip, reversing the effects of stress in just minutes.
The traditional stress test shows the heart's function and how ... In cardiac catheterization (cardiac cath), the cardiologist can examine the valves, arteries, and chambers via the use of ...
Write it Out Audio (7:38) Get rid of worries before the exam - A guided practice that clears out worries from the mind; research shows it has increased test performance by at least 5 points. Walk Off ...
As a cardiologist at a heart and vascular center ... Early disease is not something that would be caught in a traditional stress test. I compare a cardiac 4DCT to a colonoscopy or mammogram ...