Both Dr. Hassan and Dr. Fata-Chan offer lunges as an example of a classic stretch that targets the hip flexors directly.
Are you hopping enough? Plyometrics for runners can make you faster and prevent injury. Here are 8 moves to add to your routine.
Stretching can help improve athletic performance and prevent injury. Here are some of the best stretching apps for runners.
4 Things Runners Get Wrong About Stretching Unilateral exercises like step-ups and single-leg toe touches are particularly effective at strengthening the glutes, while walking lunges, lateral ...
Dynamic stretching can significantly improve the running economy of elite runners, Mason says ... It is important to note that plyometric exercises, such as jumping, bounding and hopping ...
Keep one foot on the ground and draw your other leg toward your chest, bending your knee. When you have maximum hip flexion, ...
“Not stretching before you run can also mean that the calves aren’t ready to take the load, and can lead to them tightening up.” The best way to release that tension? Stretching, which isn ...
Switching up your routine with a military-inspired session can help you gain strength, power and even mental toughness ...
When someone is feeling pain or soreness in a body part, such as the hamstrings, it is natural to believe that stretching things out can help relieve some of it. There are certainly important ...
The deep stretches and long-hold poses of yoga are the perfect tonic for sore, tired runners. Here we ask the ... stressed out muscles. Stretching can improve recovery. When we’re in a relaxed ...