Synodality” is a major theme of the Francis pontificate, but what does “Synodality” actually mean – and does it have staying ...
They gave the Church an infusion of apostolic ... worship -- in which we profess to be in contact body and soul with spiritual realities, singing with the angels and saints in heaven, receiving ...
The light and power of Christ's death and resurrection ... These disciples were walking away from Jerusalem and the apostolic faith community in defeat and dejection. They had lost hope.
THE Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry (JMCIM), one of the largest and most successful Apostolic churches in the ...
As the sentences are Realized you modify them, drilling down from "I do lots of damage" to a far more pointed "When my friends' lives are at stake, a great wave of power overtakes me." Speaking to ...
First, we should consider what churches mean when they say the phrase “Come as you are.” This phrase communicates that people ...