Watching a great white shark shoot out of the water only a few feet from your boat is chilling! Listen to this crowd react!
Residents of Cornwall, United Kingdom, were horrified to find a thresher shark washed up on their beaches recently, according to Forbes. "While difficult to say for certain, early findings suggest ...
A sub-species of the thresher shark family, the bigeye thresher, is classified as endangered in most of the Atlantic Ocean.
Later in the day, one of the fishermen told me that a 500-pound thresher shark brought in earlier had been pregnant, and when it was gutted, the tournament staff tried to hide the pups from the crowd.
Footage shows a gigantic, adult, 1,653-pound great white shark getting tagged for research last month. The 13-foot, 9-inch predator, Contender, was tagged on Jan. 17 near the Florida-Georgia ...
Steve Backshall encounters the most striking shark of all; the thresher shark. With a tail as long as its body, it’s a shark with a fantastic physique.
It features three shark species commonly found in Oregon, the salmon shark, blue shark and thresher shark. “Funding shark research is hard. Sharks are not delicious or cuddly but they’re ...