Changing a baby's diaper mid-flight can be tricky. You might wonder if all airplane bathrooms have changing stations - ...
Pet travel experts assure owners that flying in cargo is safe, with temperature-controlled cabins, secure crates, and ...
Have been blaming the airlines for serving bad food? It is not their fault. The food always tastes bad midair because of a ...
In eastern North Carolina small airplane travel can be used frequently at a variety of locations depending on the day. At ...
“An annoying loud conversation is an annoying loud conversation, whether or not it’s somebody you know,” Leighton said.
Airline pilot answers one of the most asked questions and no, it is not what you think., Travel News News - Times Now ...
Michele Woods spoke to the outlet after arriving in Dallas. She had been in Colorado for a trade show. She said the takeoff ...
A woman who was recorded after refusing to give her seat up to a toddler led to a hot debate online. Here's what attorneys ...
An expert explains that weird "barking dog sound" before a plane takes off, and gives us one less thing to worry about the ...
American Airlines said in a statement that the flight experienced an engine-related issue after taxiing to the gate.
Photos and videos posted by news outlets showed passengers standing on a plane’s wing as smoke surrounded the aircraft.