Early diagnosis and treatment of ADHD could help prevent young people from picking up smoking, per a new study.
Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson says a Labor government will  enable GPs to both diagnose and prescribe for treatment of ...
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) ...
ADHD can shorten life expectancy by nearly a decade. Yet, many adults go undiagnosed. Here’s what women need to know.
Managing ADHD while parenting a child with ADHD can feel overwhelming. Learn strategies to support both yourself and your ...
ADHD is a complex disorder. In the absence of clear guidelines, there is growing uncertainty and frustration among clinicians ...
Difficulty focusing, hyperactivity, and impulsive behaviour are key signs of ADHD. If your child has this neurodevelopmental ...
ADHD affects 11% of children and 6% of adults, but treatment can dramatically improve their lives. Personalized care plans ease symptoms and teach the coping skills needed to manage ADHD and achieve a ...
ADHD affects millions of children and adults in the U.S., creating challenges in managing tasks and emotions at work.
Within the state’s largest health care system, stimulant medications — long recognized as the most effective treatment for ...
Guanfacine used for treating ADHD in children and adolescents increases corneal aberrations at 6 months but does not affect the retina, choroid, refraction, or optic nerve.