The competition for on-demand movies has grown in recent years beyond cable companies like Time-Warner, Charter, Cox Fios and Xfinity to online video-on-demand companies like FandangoNow and ...
DR. EINAR NAUMANN, professor of limnology at the University of Lund and director of the Limno-logical Laboratory at Aneboda, Sweden, gives us an instructive discussion on modern principles of ...
Former Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth has been released on bail following his arrest on Sunday on money laundering charges. He was taken into custody following searches by ...
“The stone that the builder refused shall become the chief cornerstone.” This powerful message of transformation and resilience is more than a biblical reference; it tells the journey of the ...
A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of the Motion of Fluids. By Horace Lamb, formerly Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge; Professor of Mathematics in the University of ...
18/12/2018 - The main institution for film and media in the German capital region has earmarked a total of €245,000 for the production of ten experimental films The Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg has ...