If you’ve ever wondered why some trees in our neighborhoods seem to struggle while those in the wild flourish, you won’t want ...
Meet Ivor, the incredible pup trained to identify Phytophthora ramorum, a devastating pathogen causing sudden oak death.
The Wollemi Pine’s bark looks like bubbling chocolate—but its real secret? It’s a 200-million-year-old survivor from the age ...
Oak wilt is one of the deadliest tree diseases in the United States, killing millions of trees across 76 Texas counties.
One thing you’ll want to leave off your landscaping to-do list, at least for a while, is pruning your oak trees. February ...
DNA analysis reveals the big, flightless moa birds ate — and pooped out — 13 kinds of fungi, including ones crucial for New Zealand’s forest ecosystem.
Texans can help prevent the spread of oak wilt by avoiding pruning or wounding oak trees from February through June.
North Carolina State University researchers continue to push the field of plant disease diagnosis forward, developing ...
Trees are a vital part of North Carolina’s natural beauty, offering shade, clean air, and a habitat for wildlife. However, ...
Carrie Blair will discuss ways to help you identify trees by their various characteristics, habitats, branch patterns, leaves, flowers, seeds, thorns, buds, and leaf scars. She’ll also teach some of ...
Department of Molecular Microbiology, University of Groningen, 9747 AG Groningen, Netherlands ...
Tree decline tour: Participants, including city staff, residents, and VSU students, will join experts on a guided tour to identify causes of tree decline and explore preventative ... Planting trees is ...