Step through a nondescript doorway in Indianapolis and suddenly you’re tumbling through a wormhole of musical history, surrounded by decades of memorabilia and the unmistakable electricity of ...
How the kitchen helps me maintain my mental health ...
A new survey of genomic evidence, which appears in Frontiers in Psychology, suggests humans unique language capacity was present at least 125-135,000 years ago. Subsequently, language entered social ...
Five lions were sprawled out and sunning on rocks alongside Kenya’s Voi River. Hippos wallowed nearby. Elephants drank and ...
Cattle and humans have an intertwined history; people have been raising cattle for meat and hides for thousands of years.
Cherokee rose, or rosa laevigata, is the official Georgia state flower. The flower is native to eastern Asia, though it is ...
Dogs fascinate and inspire us with their playful behavior and extraordinary senses. Still, there’s always more to learn about ...
You do not want to play from behind against Kansas City, and you don’t want to be in a position where you’ve got to ...
Indigenous people have always relied on wild plants for survival. This has certainly been true for the Native Americans who ...
The 2024 Nature Photography Contest showcases the complicated beauty and inspiring resiliency of our planet. Photographer ...
From the glaciers in Patagonia to the sand dunes in Namibia, here are 57 gorgeous photos of the last unspoiled places on ...
Humans are masters at adaptation and survival—and few cultures prove that as clearly as the Inuit. Theirs is one of the ...