The world’s second largest refugee camp is slowly but surely transforming into a permanent city. In Uganda’s Bidibidi refugee camp, markets become lively meeting places after dark. Kennedy ...
For the past three weeks, Uganda, just like other countries in ... the temperature goes high.As the sun moves to the equator, the water vapour in the atmosphere increases, because the water ...
A native Ugandan, Hausmann spent his time during Spring Break back home supporting an organization whose sole purpose is providing clean drinking water for those in areas ...
For a small fee, you can see how the coriolis effect on water (whereby it normally ... There are also a couple of marked equator points to choose from in Uganda, when you’re not marvelling ...
and the Land and Equity Movement in Uganda (LEMU), the research integrates different disciplinary lenses and methods to understand the relationship between people's worldviews and the multi-level ...
Financed by the French development agency, AFD, the €92.4 million project will improve access to treated water for 1.5 million people living in the local area. Having operated in Uganda since ...