You will need to draw blood from your dog’s vein (intravenously) in order to perform this test. Last but certainly not least, let’s talk about opting for an Ultrasound scanner instead of a blood test.
For the first time in Israel, researchers have performed an ultrasound examination on a sandbar shark, (Carcharhinus plumbeus), revealing an advanced stage of pregnancy. The breakthrough discovery ...
That’s to prevent you from unknowingly scratching your cornea. There are two parts to an eye and orbit ultrasound. The A-scan ultrasound takes measurements of your eye. The B-scan allows the ...
Announcing a pregnancy on social media used to be the default, so why are so many mothers-to-be like me now reluctant to ...
The doctor’s receptionist was the first – outside of us two and our dog Teddy ... for my dating scan – an ultrasound to determine how far along in the pregnancy I was.
The 12-week scan is the first major ultrasound in your pregnancy where the baby’s development and the position of the placenta is checked. It is also part of the screening process for any ...
Studies comparing ultrasonography and CT for diagnosing these conditions have shown that both are equally effective.1 But ultrasound is preferred for initial evaluation because it is a cheap, portable ...