On the surface, the magnets on the rear bumper of Rachel Segall’s Tesla seem funny. “Here for zero emissions, not Elon,” ...
Virtue is not something obtained overnight ... It tells us what the right end is, and what the right means is for attaining that end. Secondly, Justice. Justice governs our relationships with ...
However, Ohlhorst suggests that designing competent AI inherently involves designing virtuous AI. If virtues are understood ...
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While your salary crediting account will pay the highest interest rate, a separate savings account can help organise your ...
Bruno Dumont’s action-fantasy satire is all the greater for its loving, quasi-documentary attention to ordinary life.
But men who have the souls of serfs are never satisfied until they have a means of expressing their serfdom. And if that has ...
Andrew Tate is back in America, forcing us to confront his perverse messaging to a subset of America’s young men. But what we really need to come to grips with are the social conditions in our ...
German-born Schumacher, 63, succeeded Zaha Hadid as head of her eponymous firm following her death in 2016 - Geoff Pugh ...
That means unleashing America’s vast energy resources ... The real path to sustainability isn’t through virtue-signaling policies that dismantle reliable energy infrastructure but through ...
Today, Viridien S.A. successfully priced an offering (the " Offering ”) of US$450 million 10% senior secured notes due September 2030 and €475 million 8.5% senior secured notes due 2030 (the " Notes ” ...