Time crystals are like a clock that never needs winding or batteries. “In theory, it should be able to go on forever,” Zu ...
University of Texas at Dallas scientists are investigating how structures made from several layers of graphene stack up in terms of their fundamental ...
With this commissioning of RAPP-7 at Rawatbhata in Rajasthan, NPCIL now operates 25 reactors. RAPP-7 is the third reactor of ...
Twenty years after it was signed, the deal is yet to take off commercially due to regulatory hurdles and failure to fast-track techno-commercial negotiations. In a series of recent high-level meetings ...
Researchers at the University of Ottawa have made a breakthrough in understanding ionization, the process by which atoms lose ...
Researchers have revealed new insights into rhombohedral stacking in graphene, reporting on how it behaves as a semiconductor ...
Scientists have made metal sheets that are just a few atoms thick. Using their new method, researchers developed 2D sheets of ...
In an article published in the journal Nature on Thursday, the researchers said that compared to their bulkier counterparts, ...
Scientists are conducting experiments to generate clean energy through fusion, the same sub-atomic reaction that powers our Sun, with the aim of constructing plants that produce more energy than they ...
Scientists from Skoltech, in collaboration with French researchers, have made an exciting discovery that could lead to better ...
Scientists have developed a novel nickel and cobalt catalyst that is extremely efficient at converting carbon dioxide into ...