在科技快速发展的今天,越疆科技悍然推出全球首款“灵巧操作+直膝行走”人形智能机器人Dobot Atom,为智能机器人领域注入了全新的活力。3月11日,越疆科技在“创新南山”活动中宣布,这款机器人是面向工业级精细操作的全尺寸仿生人形机器人,正如一位机械化的劳动者,为众多复杂任务的高效执行铺平道路。 Dobot Atom 不仅仅是一个机械臂,它集成了自研的神经驱动灵巧操作系统NDS与仿人直膝行走系统A ...
在2025年的科技领域,越疆科技的最新发布无疑成为了众人瞩目的焦点。深圳越疆科技于3月11日推出了全球首款结合了“灵巧操作”和“直膝行走”的人形智能机器人——Dobot Atom。这款机器人不仅具有高超的操作灵活性,还能进行复杂的环境适应,标志着人形机器人技术的重大进步。通过先进的“脑-手协同”技术,Dobot ...
Invincible Season 3 Episode 8' has revealed the true extent of the powers of Atom Eve, one of the main characters.
Atom Eve narrowly survives the Conquest fight in the Season 3 finale, and it’s a clue to her fate in the Invincible comics.
The Atom Pro SSD blew through our tests in short order and is a serious-looking piece of kit. But it’ll also set you back a ...
深圳越疆科技近日震撼发布了一款革命性的人形机器人——Dobot Atom,这款机器人以其独特的“灵巧操作+直膝行走”能力,引领了具身智能人形机器人的新纪元。Dobot Atom旨在跨越多个场景,实现多台协同作业,以应对复杂且多变的操作任务。 Dobot ...
Atlant 3D has raised $15 million as demand grows for its manufacturing system that builds materials and devices atom by atom.
With team Invincible facing their deadliest foes yet, how did they fare against Conquest in the aftermath of the brutal ...
Atom! Freeman of Prana on how to fix comics, the creating, the distrubtion and the selling of them, at ComicsPRO ...
A digital lender has unveiled a headquarters move. Atom bank is switching to Newcastle’s Pattern Shop. Bosses say the new ...